Saturday, February 22, 2020

Advance Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advance Database - Essay Example The report gives a detailed technical description of the systematic formation of the system’s data model. The objectives of the report intend to encompass the important details related to the four major phases involved in building the proposed database design: 4. Implementation of the database design in Oracle and testing of the design through scenario specific SQL queries. The correctness of the result would prove the correctness of the proposed database design. The major constraint in designing a class diagram of a scheduling management database is in relation to a large number of variants brought about by the seasonal change of train journey, planned and unplanned maintenance of trains and rearrangement of weekdays and the holiday. Though the calendar stating of each train, the entry number description for a particular day, time and station makes the whole process cumbersome. The approach requires not less than 2 million records to accommodate the train scheduling the proposed relational database. In addition, to hold the schedule for a long time raises the number of records the key issue is the operation of updating changes in the schedule. Another key constraint is the issues relating to objects that have overlapping lifespan. This is very profound when this object overlaps. The situation is peculiar since the object maintains its state actuality even after changing (IBM 2003). It only takes place in that given a short time during the replacement. This will result in a situation where we have multiple real time tuple which describes the different versions that the same object has. This idea does not merge the previous RDBMS concept, therefore it is inherent to develop special data queries which will solve this situation. To form a structural model for the system, all critical entities of the TFR for which data is stored and that are part of the daily business operations were

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Case study #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study #1 - Essay Example Thus, for the better understanding of the competencies and shortcomings of Forest International, aimed at suggesting rational strategies to overcome the identified issue, a SWOTT analysis has been assessed in the below mentioned section. Strengths. Forest International has annual revenue of $11 billion along with employee strength of 45,000, which makes it quite competent to invest in safety measures. Although employee turnover is negligible, it does not embark on the employee loyalty but rather on the economic construction of the region where workers are somewhat forced to work in hazardous conditions. Opportunities. In the course of improvement of safety records of the company, it can seek for the assistance of standards developed by Federal OSHA, to ensure the safety of paper mills industry. Correspondingly, the company must abide with the 1910.145 standard under the OSHO Code, which emphasizes the prevention of accidents during the duty work of the employees (US Department of Labor, â€Å"Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mills†). Threats. The major threat that Forest International have been facing is the downfall of its market share as compared to that of its competitors. Due to its lack of sustainability concerns and frequent workplace accidents, the company also faces threats in terms of lowering stakeholders’ loyalty. Trend. In accordance to the past records, it was observed that the accidents occurred in Forest International was the consequence of the management’s negligence. Jack Taylor, crew leader had once reported an accident caused due to the loosened up jack in the machinery and suggested the management on ways of improving safety lines. However, it was ignored by the management. Thus, emphasizing this particular issue in the report, few of the measures for improvement of safety lines in the company is being suggested gauged with rational